'Cat Culture' - Cat Photography Project

As a cat lover and proud owner of a very fluffy rescue cat, it was only a matter of time before I combined my passion for photography with my love for cats! Cat Culture is a documentary photography project which I worked on over the course of several months, exploring the places where people and cats connect, providing a glimpse into cat’s compelling personalities and the people who enjoy their company and charm.

I visited a variety of cat related places at home in the UK and further afield including:

  • Longcroft Luxury Cat Hotel - Luxury cat hotel franchise, offering top class care for cats.
  • Kattenkafe Kopjes - Cat cafe based in Amsterdam
  • Poopy Cat Office - a cat products company with an office in Amsterdam with two residents cats
  • London Cat Village - Cat cafe based in London
  • Kattenkabinet - Cat museum in Amsterdam
  • Miss Ella Illustrator (Ella Goodwin) - Norfolk based illustrator whose work is inspired by and features cats
  • Da Poezenboot - Cat sanctuary based on a floating barge in Amsterdam
  • Kissakahvila - Cat cafe based in Helsinki
  • Romney House Cat Rescue Centre - Cat rescue centre operated by cat-lover Silvana Locke at her home in Kent

The resulting images were carefully curated into a photo book, with the aim of capturing cat's multi-faceted personalities as well as human/feline relationships. You can view a digital flip-page version of my photo book underneath the image gallery below.

I'm thinking about embarking on phase 2 of this project and am actively looking for more cat businesses and cat people to photograph, so if you would like to work with me, then I'd love to hear from you!

You can view the rest of my cat themed projects here. I'm always happy to travel and cover the rest of West and East Sussex, Hampshire, Kent, Surrey, Dorset and London too.